Monday, January 14, 2019

Poll:i Lessen student debt, increasing spending on K - 12 public education toppriorities

A new poll by POLITICO / Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health poll looked at Americans’ priorities for congressional action on the issue of education. Because at the national level education has not received as much attention as health has, the choices for action discussed in the media have been fewer. Respondents were given a list of six education policy areas identified in the media and in the recent congressional campaigns as potential priority action items for the new Congress. 

Because Congress can only take action on a few of them at a time, people were asked whether or not each of the areas should be an “extremely important” priority. When it comes to education, the poll finds that adherents of both political parties choose two policy areas as their top extremely important education priorities for the new Congress: finding ways to lessen student debt and increasing spending on K - 12 public education .

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