Monday, September 10, 2018

Additional Evidence is Needed for the SAT to Meet the Requirements for Connecticut’s Assessment System

From The U.S.  Department of Education:

Critical Element Additional Evidence Needed

2.1 – Test Design and Development For the SAT:

• A plan and a timeline to address the alignment issues identified in the existing alignment studies, particularly in mathematics.

2.2 – Item Development For the SAT:

• Evidence of reasonable and technically sound procedures to develop and select items to assess student achievement based on the State’s academic content standards in terms of content and cognitive process, including higher – order thinking skills.
• Evidence of guidelines for item writers with respect to fairness in the development and review process.

2.4 – Monitoring Test Administration For the SAT:

• Evidence of how the State monitors administration to ensure that standardized test administration procedures are implemented with fidelity across districts and schools.

Full report
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