Thursday, May 31, 2018

At risk and low socioeconomic status students might benefit from mind-set interventions, but no general benefit

Mind-sets (aka implicit theories) are beliefs about the nature of human attributes (e.g., intelligence). The theory holds that individuals with growth mind-sets (beliefs that attributes are malleable with effort) enjoy many positive outcomes—including higher academic achievement—while their peers who have fixed mind-sets experience negative outcomes.

Given this relationship, interventions designed to increase students’ growth mind-sets—thereby increasing their academic achievement—have been implemented in schools around the world.

One new meta-analysis (k = 273, N = 365,915)  examined the strength of the relationship between mind-set and academic achievement and potential moderating factors.

A second meta-analysis (k = 43, N = 57,155), examined the effectiveness of mind-set interventions on academic achievement and potential moderating factors.

This study determined that overall effects were weak for both meta-analyses. However, some results supported specific tenets of the theory, namely, that students with low socioeconomic status or who are academically at risk might benefit from mind-set interventions.

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