Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Teacher Education Pathways Across Countries

Today, NCES released a Data Story titled What Do Teacher Education Pathways Look Like in Different Countries?

Data Story publications are presented in a thematic and engaging web environment that enables users to interact with data elements according to their interests in the topic area.

This report highlights teacher education pathways in the United States and four other focal countries: Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Norway. These are the countries that participated in all three of the following international studies that released results over the past 6 years: the Initial Teacher Preparation Study (ITPS) of 2016–18, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) of 2018, and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) of 2019. In the TALIS and TIMSS sections of the Data Story, the findings for the focal countries are shown alongside results for all other participating countries for further context.

Check out the Data Story to explore the following themes and research questions:

  • Teacher education program options: How do initial teacher education program options and requirements compare across countries?
  • Advanced degree attainment: How does the advanced degree attainment of novice teachers vary across countries?
  • Subject assignment: How likely are students to be taught by in-field novice teachers?

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