Tuesday, November 30, 2021

New WWC Intervention Report: Pathway to Academic Success Project for Teachers of English Learners

Today, the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) released an intervention report that reviews the research on the Pathway to Academic Success Project, which trains teachers to improve the reading and writing abilities of English learners who have an intermediate level of English proficiency by incorporating cognitive strategies into reading and writing instruction.

The Pathway to Academic Success Project is designed for grades 6 to 12 general education English language arts (ELA) teachers who have English learners in their classrooms. Teachers receive the Pathway to Academic Success Project training through professional development and coaching offered by experienced Pathway to Academic Success Project teachers. Training focuses on incorporating cognitive strategies into reading and writing instruction during regular ELA class time. The cognitive strategies include setting goals, tapping prior knowledge, asking questions, making predictions, articulating and revising understanding of text, and evaluating writing.

Based on the research, the WWC found that implementing the Pathway to Academic Success Project has potentially positive effects on writing quality, writing conventions, and literacy achievement, compared with business-as-usual professional development and ELA instruction. The WWC based its conclusion on its review of three studies of the Pathway to Academic Success Project that met WWC standards. The three studies included 3,170 English learners in 71 middle and high schools in six districts in California.

Read the full Pathway to Academic Success Project intervention report and learn more about the studies that contributed to this report.

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