Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What Works When Teaching Remotely? A Rapid Evidence Review

To provide relevant information to educators and administrators in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute of Education Sciences conducted a rapid evidence review to report on what works in distance learning programming. The What Works Clearinghouse teams screened available education research to identify the most promising evidence about what works for learning remotely.  Of the 932 studies screened, 266 were retained for full-text screening and thirty-six studies were identified for review.

Nine studies with similar design characteristics were meta-analyzed and the results indicated that, on average, students in the distance learning programs improved in the English language arts outcome domain but not in the mathematics domain, compared with students in business-as-usual conditions.

View the report at: https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/DistanceLearningStudy

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