Monday, December 14, 2020

Black-White achievement gaps widen during school periods and shrink during summers

What role does schooling play in the development of racial/ethnic inequalities in academic skills? Seasonal learning studies, which allow researchers to compare the growth of achievement gaps when school is in versus out of session, provide important evidence regarding whether schools reduce, reproduce, or exacerbate educational inequalities. 

Most studies that have compared the growth of achievement gaps when school is in versus out of session have been restricted to the early grades. 

This study examines seasonal patterns of racial/ethnic achievement gaps using test scores from over 2.5 million kindergarten to eighth-grade students. 

Following three different cohorts of students from 2015 to 2018, the authors find that Black-White achievement gaps widen during school periods and shrink during summers, whereas Asian students generally pull ahead of White students at a faster rate during summers. Disparities observed among older students are largely in place among kindergartners. 

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