Friday, January 10, 2020

Many NYC schools don't reflect the diversity within their community

Racial segregation is a long-standing issue in New York City’s schools, highlighted recently by advocates, academics, politicians, and most importantly by students themselves.To begin to address the issue, CCC recently published an analysis of diversity in NYC schools, and it revealed some important facts. Only 28% of schools in the city are diverse, and two-thirds of Black and Latinx students attend schools that are predominantly (more than 80 percent) Black and Latinx.
But racial and ethnic diversity is only one part of the story. While we want all our schools to be diverse, we also want schools to reflect the diversity within communities. The group commissioned to issue diversity recommendations to the Department of Education (DOE), the School Diversity Advisory Group (SDAG) said as much in their first report. “Rather than start with a standard citywide racial and economic target for all schools, the DOE should set localized targets that reflect a more achievable goal for schools. This ensures all schools and all communities have a role to play in promoting and supporting integration.”

Related report

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