Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The value of higher education is tied to its relevance in their work and lives

Complete report

What do Americans value in their education? We haven’t really known, because too often the consumers of higher education have been absent from the conversation. So the Strada Education Network partnered with Gallup to ask more than 340,000 individuals about their experiences with education and work after high school. The Education Consumer Value Equation gives them a voice in what delivers career and cost value. Consumers are clear that, more than earnings and wages, the value of their education is tied to its relevance in their work and lives.

Key Findings

American adults place the highest value on educational programs that closely align with career pathways.
  1. Relevant courses, not wages have the strongest link to how consumers assess the value of their education experience.
  2. Among those with terminal bachelor's degrees, graduates saw greater career and cost value in fields traditionally associated with careers, such as healthcare and education — even if those careers are less lucrative financially.
  3. Those who started postsecondary education and did not complete saw the least value from their experience with only a quarter of them agreeing it was a worthwhile experience, suggesting that we must continue the efforts to improve postsecondary completion in this country.
  4. When education consumers believe they are provided high-quality, applied learning experiences and excellent career and academic advising, their assessment of value increases regardless of their program of study.

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