Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Value-Added Estimates and Evaluation Ratings of Teachers with a Graduate Degree

   This study uses teacher value added and evaluation rating 
   data from North Carolina public schools to estimate the signaling and 
   human capital effects of graduate degrees. These analyses consider the 
   effects of graduate degrees, overall, and the effects of graduate 
   degrees inside and outside teachers’ area(s) of teaching. 
   Analysis shows that those with a graduate degree in their area of 
   teaching have comparable value-added estimates and receive higher 
   evaluation ratings than teachers with undergraduate degrees only. 
   Human capital analyses indicate that in-area graduate degrees benefit 
   teacher value added in several comparisons and predict higher 
   evaluation ratings on the Leadership standard. 
   Effects for out-of-area graduate degrees are generally 
   negative or insignificant. 
   Taken together, these results present a 
   more comprehensive and nuanced view of the effectiveness of teachers 
   with graduate degrees. Future analyses should assess additional 
   outcome measures and continue focusing on the alignment between the 
   graduate degree content and the teaching assignment. 

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