Monday, August 19, 2019

Growing Partisan Divide in Views of Higher Education

Pew Research Center has just published a new data essay examining the growing partisan divide in views of higher education. The essay finds that Americans see value in higher education, whether they graduated from college or not.

Even so, there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction – even suspicion – among the public about the role colleges play in society, the way admissions decisions are made and the extent to which free speech is constrained on college campuses. And these views are increasingly linked to partisanship, according to a new Center survey.

The increase in the share of Americans saying colleges have a negative effect on the U.S. is driven by Republicans’ changing views.
From 2015 to 2019, the share saying colleges have a negative effect on the country went from 37% to 59% among Republicans and independents who lean Republican.
The views of Democrats and independents who lean Democratic have remained largely stable and overwhelmingly positive.

Republicans and Democrats differ over what’s ailing higher education.
79% of Republicans say professors bringing their political and social views into the classroom is a major reason why the higher education system is headed in the wrong direction.
Democrats who see problems with the higher education system cite rising costs more often than other factors as a major reason for their concern.

Americans value diversity on college campuses, but some 73% of all adults say race or ethnicity should not be a factor in college admissions decisions.
Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say race and ethnicity shouldn’t be a factor in admissions decisions, but majorities of both groups express this view (85% among Republicans, 63% among Democrats).

Despite the public’s increasingly negative views about higher education and its role in society, 60% of Americans say a college education is important in helping a young person succeed in the world today.
The vast majority of college graduates (from both two- and four-year institutions) say college was useful for them in terms of helping them grow personally and intellectually (62% say it was very useful in this regard, 31% say it was somewhat useful).

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