Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Elementary students learning computer science= higher Reading,Math, Science, and English Language Arts scores

Research conducted by Outlier Research & Evaluation | UChicago STEM Education at the University of Chicago with 3rd — 5th-grade students in Broward County found that students who did extra CS Fundamentals activities had significantly higher scores on the Achieve3000 reading comprehension exam and scored significantly higher on Florida State Math, Science, and English Language Arts Exams!

Florida State ELA, Math, and Science Assessments
The analytic sample for ELA and math was composed of 1600 students nested within 156 teachers. Because the science assessment is administered only in 5th grade, the sample for that analysis included 580 5th grade students nested within 51 5th grade teachers. The ICC values supported the continuation of the subsequent analysis of students’ FSA ELA (ICC = .45), math (ICC = .49), and science (ICC = .38) scores.
Key findings in this analysis were:
  1. Teacher completion of a higher percentage of “extra” CS lessons was significantly associated with higher scores on the FSA ELA (β = 24.99, p = .007) and mathematics (β = 27.15, p = .03) assessments under the condition where the teachers reported themselves as higher in “resourcefulness and coping;” and

  2. Teacher completion of a higher percentage of “extra” CS lessons was significantly associated with higher scores on the FSA science assessment under the condition where the teacher also reported high levels of resourcefulness and coping (β = 55.45, p = .006).

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