Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Odyssey Math: Potentially Positive Effects on Students' Math Achievement

The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) has reviewed the latest research on Odyssey® Math and its effects on students for the Primary Mathematics topic area, which covers students in grades K-8. The results are summarized in a new Intervention Report released today (Feb 7).

Odyssey® Math is a web-based curriculum for K–8 math instruction that includes formative assessments designed to support differentiated and data-driven instruction. Based on assessment results, students are given a “learning path” with an individualized sequence of topics and skills to review. Teachers can modify learning paths to match their lesson plans or to align them with district scopes and sequences.

This report includes research on Odyssey® Math that was previously reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse, as well as six new studies. Based on this research, the WWC found Odyssey® Math to have potentially positive effects on students’ math achievement.

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