Friday, September 2, 2016

How Changing the SAT Score-Sending Policy for Low-Income Students Impacts College Access and Success

Subtle policy adjustments can induce relatively large “ripple effects.” This study evaluates a College Board initiative that increased the number of free SAT score reports available to low-income students and changed the time horizon for using these score reports.

The authors estimate that targeted students were roughly 10 percentage points more likely to send eight or more reports. The policy improved on-time college attendance and 6-year bachelor’s completion by about 2 percentage points. Impacts were realized primarily by students who were competitive candidates for 4-year college admission.

The bachelor’s completion impacts are larger than would be expected based on the number of students driven by the policy change to enroll in college and to shift into more selective colleges. The unexplained portion of the completion effects may result from improvements in nonacademic fit between students and the postsecondary institutions in which they enroll.

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