Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Two teacher support programs have no discernible effect, Head Start has on reading

The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) released several new intervention reports this week. Two reports systematically summarize the existing research on programs and methods designed to support the work of teachers and school leaders. The third report summarizes the research on Head Start, a national, federally funded program that provides services to promote school readiness for children from predominantly low-income families from birth to age 5.

TAP™: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement (TAP™) is an educator effectiveness program that aims to improve student achievement through supports and incentives for teachers, including professional development, leadership opportunities, and performance bonuses. The WWC reviewed all of the existing research on TAP™ and its impacts on students in grades 4 through 8. Based on the research, TAP™ teachers were found to have no discernible effects on student achievement in science, English language arts, or mathematics during the first year of implementation. See the full report for more details.

The New Teacher Center (NTC) Induction Model is a systemic approach to support beginning teachers (i.e., teachers new to the profession). The induction model aims to accelerate the effectiveness of beginning teachers by providing mentoring and professional development in a supportive school environment. The WWC reviewed the research on the NTC Induction Model and its impacts on beginning elementary school teachers. Based on the research, the NTC Induction Model was found to have no discernible effects on teacher retention in the school district, teacher retention in the profession, or teacher retention at the school after one year of implementation. Read the full report.

The WWC recently reviewed the existing research on Head Start and its impacts on 3- to 5- year-old children who are not yet in kindergarten and are attending a center-based program with a primary focus on cognitive, language, and behavioral competencies associated with school readiness. Based on this review, Head Start was found to have potentially positive effects on general reading achievement and no discernible effects on mathematics achievement and social-emotional development for 3- and 4-year-old children. Read the full report.

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