Tuesday, June 16, 2015

MyTeachingPartner-Secondary: no discernible effects on the achievement of middle and high school students.

MyTeachingPartner-Secondary (MTP-S) is a professional development program that seeks to increase student learning and development through improved teacher–student interactions. MTP-S uses a classroom-assessment instrument to observe effective teaching practices and guide teachers’ efforts to improve teacher–student interactions. Through the program, middle and high school teachers access a video library featuring examples of high-quality interactions and receive individualized, web-based coaching approximately twice per month during the school year. MTP-S uses the secondary school version of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System®–Secondary (CLASS-S) to define and observe effective teaching practices.

The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified one study of MTP-S that both falls within the scope of the Teacher Training, Evaluation, and Compensation topic area and meets WWC group design standards. This one study meets WWC group design standards with reservations. The study included 1,267 middle and high school students in 12 schools in Virginia.

Based on this study, MTP-S was found to have no discernible effects on the achievement of middle and high school students.

Full report

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